Dales Trail 30km – Muker

Ali Nash reports…….
Dales Trail Series – DT30 (or 32km…)
The second in the series of 3 races, this one based at Muker in Swaledale. Weather forecast, ‘overcast, windy, drizzly, 13c which turned out to be right on arrival at 8am registration up t’dale after a 6am set off from Addingham. Great, no need for sun cream and absolutely the perfect temp for wearing the blue and yellow home-strip of the Saltaire vest (aka ‘the nipple chaffer’).

Unfortunately after a 20 minute walk to the start of the race up in the meadows at 10am it was 21C and deffo getting a tad scorchio. The race ‘plan’ was to set off steady, knowing that there was a 5 mile 1000+ft climb up a rough moorland track, that got progressively steeper, and not go off at speed like a twat. Went off like a twat. The next part of the race plan was to enjoy the (very) technical downhill through the lead mines to Crackpot Hall and not go haring off taking risks like a twat. Twat time again.

The route linked up with the Coast to Coast and Pennine Way at Keld, and the relentless climb continued across meadows, moor and bog all the way up to Tan Hill (getting ‘chicked’ en-route and dropping into 2nd lady position – by a 2:50 marathoner….), although my ‘push on’ plan went to plan for a change and good few places were gained. The aid station at Tan Hill was equipped with beer! jelly babies, water, or electrolyte – which also turned out to be water…… The next stage of the run included (oh joy) more ascents onto the remote tops of Roberts Seat, before a short, sharp downhill to Ravenseat, for more electrolyte water – and crisps.

By this time Nivea Factor 30 would have been more welcome and I had decided I was definitely not, under any circumstances, no way on earth, not a f*cking chance going to do the last race in the series – the DT40. Dropping rapidly down to Kisdon Force after a fabulous trail skirting of the precipitous edge of Cotterby Scar, the path turned uber-nasty. Short but super steep it looked like a comedy sketch, with legs jellified and runners clinging onto fence posts and hauling themselves onwards using leverage from fence wire, branches and anything grabbable, swearing was not optional…. (‘chicked’ again this time by a sponsored athlete).

Onto the last 5k and the route was starting to look more like a queue for A&E, cramped legs, bleeding knees and one poor chap face down in the rocks – sorry mate, at this point in the race we’re in the ‘death zone’ and it’s a position gained, although I was feeling decidedly dodgy and had convinced myself I was in the throes of having a heart attack, 2k left and the finish was in sight, pace dropped as I struggled for breath across the line I was straight over to Mountain rescue for attention and 10 minutes on oxygen til I could breathe properly, during which time the paramedic (who refused to treat nipple-chaffage) started to treat various cuts & bruises and the somewhat bloodied chap who had face-planted on the trail. Forget post-race hydration, 02 is way better….. There was an ample supply of food and drink back at registration, a top goody bag and technical tee, Dales Trail Ale, loads of banter and an indisputable agreement that it was one m@th3r f@ck3r of a route. Pain forgotten. Bring on the DT40.

21st Ali Nash 3:03:34
92nd Bernadette Cooke 4:03:36

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