We are delighted that you are interested in joining Saltaire Striders.
Saltaire Striders use Webcollect to process membership payments. Details of the various membership options are on the Webcollect page (see below) where you can join the club and pay the membership fee.

Members can purchase a club vest for £18 from [wpbuttons ids=”2_4”]
Another benefit of club membership is a club discount from Sportsshoes.com of 10% plus free postage and packing on all orders. The code changes each month, for the current code see the Features tab on the Saltaire Striders Chat facebook group or e-mail [wpbuttons ids=”2_5”]
The club has a number of qualified coaches and run leaders who will be happy to provide help and advice on your running and training.
If you have any problems or queries with the joining process please contact [wpbuttons ids=”2_7”]
[iframe src=”https://webcollect.org.uk/saltairestriders” width=”100%” height=”1500px” scrolling=”auto” ]